Very strange.
I'm running Vista pretty well since some months. Stop my notebook yesterday
night and restart this morning !
Result ? Explorer is taking 100 CPU !!!
I can launch a program like word using a shortcut but no way to use
explorer. I mean the Vista task bar, quick launch, or Vista logo to go to
"All programs" !!
Yes I made some test and rebuild !! (CHKDSK /R/P/F 3 times, ...)
I notice one thing when starting in safe mode. CRCDISK.sys is the last
library to be loaded and directly after CPU is 100%.
Regarding this problem I try different things again without any success !
The strange part is that many people are talking about a problem like this
one but NO ENTRIES on microsoft support !
I spend my day to turn around and must say that I'm sucks!
What can I do ?
I really hope someone from Microsoft can help because for me the last think
to do is to re-install Vista !!!
The problems ?
1) take a BU of all important files without the interface and going trough
2) Is that thing going to happend again !
3) Takes hours (days ...) to re-install Vista and all apps !
I must say that I love Vista but I have many many problems !!
.... and all my machines in my company are running Vista on the Network !
So again, PLEASE Microsoft, read carefully this message and give me some
help to turn around this crazy thing !!!
Not only for me but for all the people with the same problem. And talk about
it on "support.microsoft.com" !!!!
Best regards and thanks !!
Very strange.
I'm running Vista pretty well since some months. Stop my notebook yesterday
night and restart this morning !
Result ? Explorer is taking 100 CPU !!!
I can launch a program like word using a shortcut but no way to use
explorer. I mean the Vista task bar, quick launch, or Vista logo to go to
"All programs" !!
Yes I made some test and rebuild !! (CHKDSK /R/P/F 3 times, ...)
I notice one thing when starting in safe mode. CRCDISK.sys is the last
library to be loaded and directly after CPU is 100%.
Regarding this problem I try different things again without any success !
The strange part is that many people are talking about a problem like this
one but NO ENTRIES on microsoft support !
I spend my day to turn around and must say that I'm sucks!
What can I do ?
I really hope someone from Microsoft can help because for me the last think
to do is to re-install Vista !!!
The problems ?
1) take a BU of all important files without the interface and going trough
2) Is that thing going to happend again !
3) Takes hours (days ...) to re-install Vista and all apps !
I must say that I love Vista but I have many many problems !!
.... and all my machines in my company are running Vista on the Network !
So again, PLEASE Microsoft, read carefully this message and give me some
help to turn around this crazy thing !!!
Not only for me but for all the people with the same problem. And talk about
it on "support.microsoft.com" !!!!
Best regards and thanks !!