Detect runtime or development


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2003
UK - London
How can I determine whether my app is running from a fully compiled runtime or from within the development environment? Is there a difference?

I want some code to be skipped with its running in the IDE.
Applications dont "run in the IDE" as they do in Visual Basic 6. They may have a debugger attached, as hinted by Tim above, but they are always compiled and run as a full-fledged process.
Originally posted by Derek Stone
Applications dont "run in the IDE" as they do in Visual Basic 6. They may have a debugger attached, as hinted by Tim above, but they are always compiled and run as a full-fledged process.
Yeah - I realised it was something like that - it is running as a fully compiled EXE after all - but I figured this was the best way to ask the question and get my meaning across.

Thanks to you both.
You could also use the DEBUG constant with the compiler #if statement to see if the application is in debug mode. Im just suggesting this because the compiler conditional statements are not compiled into the actual exe so once you set up a statement like that you dont have to edit anything (like commenting out a line that checks if the compiler is attached), and the compiler will decide what to compile.
application is compiled in debug mode
#End If