I am trying to use the codedom to create an assembly that will simply return a number. The real method looks like this:
The CodeDom statments to create this would be something like this:
How would the last statement look? Seems like it should be easy but theirs not many good examples out there.
Public Class Class1
Public Function GetR ()
Return 255
End Function
End Class
The CodeDom statments to create this would be something like this:
Dim Class1 As New CodeTypeDeclaration("Class1")
Dim GetR As New CodeMemberMethod()
GetR.Name = "GetR"
GetR.ReturnType = New CodeTypeReference(GetType(Integer))
GetR.Statements.Add(New CodeMethodReturnStatement(New CodeMethodInvokeExpression()))
How would the last statement look? Seems like it should be easy but theirs not many good examples out there.