

Well-known member
Mar 25, 2003
Boulder, Colorado
My boss asked how hard it would be to set up something to allow a customer to view his inventory levels in our warehouse.

The ware house database is this crappy thing in MS Access 2000. I am well versed in the fundamentals of but have not done any web services, and only some very basic HTML.

So my question is for the Gurus on this board. What would be the best way to do this using .net.

Should I create ASP web pages, XML remote program? I need an informed awnser to something I know little about. Also if I have strong programming base knowledge, how hard would it be to pick up the neccesary skills to to make this happen? I have a rough time line of 3-6 months so plenty of time to study up.

An ASP.NET web application sounds like a good idea. Is the
server hosting the database the same as the server that the
web application will be served from, or are they different servers?

If they are different, then an XML web service could be set up
on the database server to hand out information in the database
to the ASP.NET application. If the web and databases servers are
one and the same, then you shouldnt need the web service
(unless you have plans for outsiders to design apps that can
access this database).

Web services are not difficult to learn and use in VS.NET at all, but
learning ASP.NET may have a bit of a learning curve.
Weve something pretty similar to that, nationwide, what we did is pretty simple

ASPX with a datagrid and ADO.NET, took us like 1.5 weeks to finish it, after that we made a more complex version of it we used webservices, SOAP and more, but I think the simple solution is what you need


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