Move a textbox with a scrollbar


Active member
Jan 6, 2004
Move a textbox position with a scrollbar

I am making a program that has a text editor where a teacher can mark some words. Then in another form, those marked words are substituted by textboxes in white that are created in run time. Only that I need to use the scrollbar of the richtextbox, and when doing that, the text moves, but the textboxes dont. And I need the textboxes to accompany the words. Any hekp would be apreciated.
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Well, I guess you could use a dynamic array of textboxes, and use a loop, checking the GetUpperBound of the array and then setting their top property to some linear function of their index... but, before that, why cant you just use a listbox... it would seem to be much easier than a bunch of textboxes... are you trying to edit your data?