sort of inheritance problem


Well-known member
Feb 6, 2004
I got class1 and class2....there is one sub program inside the class2... the program is using class1 public shared variables... there are many variables the class2 sub program is using from class1... I dont want to use the class1 variables like: class1.this, class1.that ..I would like to find a better solution.... if i put inherits class1 everything works.... but the problem is I dont want to inherit the whole damn class1 and its FORM... so is there a simpler way to do it like inheriting a part of the class ?
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Would it not be better to take the guts out of class1 and place it in its own class and not have the form stuff in there. Then you can inherit it. Otherwise it just sounds like a bunch of functions.
so lets say form class would be class3.... so class2 inherits class1...and class1 inherits class3.... BUT does this mean that class2 inherits class3 because class1 inherited class3....?

I mean if 2 classes inherit one(the same one).... does it mean the 2 classes inherit automatically each other too? do they have a connection ?
DR00ME said:
so lets say form class would be class3.... so class2 inherits class1...and class1 inherits class3.... BUT does this mean that class2 inherits class3 because class1 inherited class3....?

I mean if 2 classes inherit one(the same one).... does it mean the 2 classes inherit automatically each other too? do they have a connection ?

if class2 inherits class1 and class1 inherits class3 then yes - class2 implicitly inherits class3. That is what inheritance is all about.

I think Robby was suggesting you look at your object model again (i.e. what classes contain what functionality and where is it needed).
If the class contains some code you need to inherit from move that into a separate class and inherit that.

If class1 contains some stuff you need to inherit move those things into a separate class (class4 for example). Now make your existing class1 inherit from class4 and make your other class (class2 or class3 - not sure which in your case) also inherit from class4.

Also I hope the class names are just here as an example and not the real names you are using :-\
lol, I wish it would be that simple :D I know what robby means but I cant separate anything from my main class (AIvision)....
DR00ME said:
I got class1 and class2....there is one sub program inside the class2... the program is using class1 public shared variables... there are many variables the class2 sub program is using from class1... I dont want to use the class1 variables like: class1.this, class1.that ..I would like to find a better solution.... if i put inherits class1 everything works.... but the problem is I dont want to inherit the whole damn class1 and its FORM... so is there a simpler way to do it like inheriting a part of the class ?

I dont know if this directly addresses your issue but I have a feeling applying some basic rules of OOP might give you ideas.

1. Attributes of classes to be visible outside the immediate scope of a class and instance of that class are properties of that class and should be treated accordingly. It is poor style for a child class to directly access variables of the parent class. If you are tempted to access public instance variables from child classes, consider publishing them via virtual methods and properties.

C# Example 1.
NOTE: no claims made as to having all syntactical elements properly applied but the concept is sound

public class MyClass
  string classString = "MyClass";

  protected virtual string GetClassString ()
    return  classString;

 public  string ClassString 
      return GetClassString();

public class MyClassChild: MyClass
  MyClassChild(): base()
     classString += " wrapped in MyClassChild";

  protected override string GetClassString ()
    return  "Accessor Override: " + base.GetClassString();
Values for ClassString property on instances of type -
MyClass: "MyClass"
MyClassChild: "Accessor Override: MyClass wrapped in MyClassChild"

2. Program to Interfaces not to Classes. On doing analysis of the problem domain, discern the sets of methods that can be grouped together as services and declare them as Interfaces. Bear in mind that interfaces can be a) combined and inherited and b) used as casting qualifiers:

C# Example 2.a.
NOTE: no claims made as to having all syntactical elements properly applied but the concept is sound

public interface IMethodSet1
  void Proc1();
  string StringFunc1();

public interface IMethodSet2
  void Proc2();

public interface IMethodSet3: IMethodSet1
  void Proc3();

public class MyClass:IMethodSet1
  public void Proc1()
    //enter some code here
  public string StringFunc1()
    //Enter a string function body here

public class MyClass2:IMethodSet1, IMethodSet2 

  public void Proc1()
    //enter some code here

  public string StringFunc1()
    //Enter a string function body here

  public void Proc2();
    //enter some other code here

public class MyClass3:IMethodSet3 

  public void Proc1()
    //enter some code here

  public string StringFunc1()
    //Enter a string function body here

  public void Proc3();
    //enter some other code here

C# Example 2.b.
NOTE: no claims made as to having all syntactical elements properly applied but the concept is sound

public class ClassProcessor()
  public static void MyClassProcessor(IMethodSet1 obj1)
    IMethodSet2 obj2 = obj1 as IMethodSet2;
    if (obj2 != null)

    IMethodSet3 obj3 = obj1 as IMethodSet3;
    if (obj3 != null)
I dont know if this helps but given it sounds like you want to present various property subsets in a particular class hierarchy, this might lead you towards a more managable abstraction.

Damn, Im tired!
Joe Mamma
Im sure you have nice thoughts but it is a bit confusing for me because it is in c sharp format... :) thx anyway ( I know it is basically same as but to me it is a bit confusing ) and I havnt really used child classes at all...
DR00ME said:
Im sure you have nice thoughts but it is a bit confusing for me because it is in c sharp format... :) thx anyway ( I know it is basically same as but to me it is a bit confusing ) and I havnt really used child classes at all...

[self editted comment] :cool:

I am trying to ICQ you.

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