YEs, that the one.
Unfortunately, I had created my own one. just to share with you. so, i am pasting it here.
just pass the value into CurrencyToWord, it will convert it for you.
Dollas and cent sign can be change accordingly.
DollarPro = "Dollar " pronuosation of $
CentPro = "Cent " pronuosation of Cent
Module Convertion
Dim Digit(100) As String
Dim strDollar As String
Dim strCent As String
Dim Result As String
Dim DollarPro As String
Dim CentPro As String
Function CurrencyToWord(ByVal Num) As String
DollarPro = "Dollar " pronuosation of $
CentPro = "Cent " pronuosation of Cent
Digit(1) = "One "
Digit(2) = "Two "
Digit(3) = "Three "
Digit(4) = "Four "
Digit(5) = "Five "
Digit(6) = "Six "
Digit(7) = "Seven "
Digit(8) = "Eigth "
Digit(9) = "Nine "
Digit(10) = "Ten "
Digit(11) = "Eleven "
Digit(12) = "Twelve "
Digit(13) = "Thirteen "
Digit(14) = "Forteen "
Digit(15) = "Fifteen "
Digit(16) = "Sixteen "
Digit(17) = "Seventeen "
Digit(18) = "Eighteen "
Digit(19) = "Nineteen "
Digit(20) = "Twenty "
Digit(30) = "Thirty "
Digit(40) = "Forty "
Digit(50) = "Fifty "
Digit(60) = "Sixty "
Digit(70) = "Seventy "
Digit(80) = "Eighty "
Digit(90) = "Ninety "
If Len(strDollar) > 6 Then
MessageBox.Show("Number too long", "Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK)
Exit Function
End If
Num = Format(Num, "###0.00")
strDollar = Num
strCent = Right(strDollar, 2)
strDollar = Mid(strDollar, 1, Len(strDollar) - 3)
CurrencyToWord = CalculateNotes(strDollar) & DollarPro & CalculateCoins(strCent) & CentPro
End Function
Function CalculateNotes(ByVal notes As String) As String
If Len(notes) = 1 Then
Result = Digit(Val(notes))
End If
If Len(notes) = 2 Then
If Left(notes, 1) = "1" Then
Result = Digit(Val(notes))
Result = Digit(Val(Left(notes, 1) & "0"))
If Right(notes, 1) <> "0" Then
Result = Result & Digit(Val(Right(notes, 1)))
End If
End If
End If
If Len(notes) = 3 Then
Result = Digit(Val(Left(notes, 1))) & "Hundred "
Result = Result & CalculateNotes(Val(Right(notes, 2)))
End If
If Len(notes) = 4 Then
Result = Digit(Val(Left(notes, 1))) & "Thousand "
Result = Result & CalculateNotes(Val(Right(notes, 3)))
End If
If Len(notes) = 5 Then
Result = CalculateNotes(Val(Left(notes, 2))) & "Thousand "
Result = Result & CalculateNotes(Val(Right(notes, 3)))
End If
If Len(notes) = 6 Then
Result = CalculateNotes(Val(Left(notes, 3))) & "Thousand "
Result = Result & CalculateNotes(Val(Right(notes, 3)))
End If
CalculateNotes = Result
End Function
Function CalculateCoins(ByVal coins As String) As String
If Len(coins) = 1 Then
Result = "and " & Digit(Val(coins))
End If
If Len(coins) = 2 Then
If Left(coins, 1) = "1" Then
Result = "and " & Digit(Val(coins))
ElseIf coins = "00" Then
Result = "and Zero "
Result = "and " & Digit(Val(Left(coins, 1) & "0"))
If Right(coins, 1) <> "0" Then
Result = Result & Digit(Val(Right(coins, 1)))
End If
End If
End If
CalculateCoins = Result
End Function
End Module