Directory Info and upload


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2003
I am trying to get the directory info from a file that the user selects from an html file object. I want to retrieve all of the files in the same directory as the selected file. Everything works on my machine, but in production i cant get at the folder to create the directoryinfo object.

Heres some code:

strFile = FileInput.PostFile.FileName

fi = New FileInfo(strFile)

Dim fis () as FileSystemInfo
fis = fi.Directory.GetFiles()

The problem seems to be that it is looking for the folder on the server, not on the client machine. Ive tried using UNC names and decided against it because we would have to add more users to the adminstrators group so they have access to shares such as \\machine\c$\.....

How can I tell the application to retrieve the directoryinfo from the file on the clients computer not the server?

Any help appreciated.
