Sending Mail from VB.NET to be received as an Outlook Appt


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2003
Fort Walton Beach, Florida
Can anyone point me in the right direction regarding the following?

I would like to send an email from VB.NET (web application) to a specified email address, and when that recipient receives the email, it will do everything a typical Outlook appointment request will do - provide the user with a means by which s/he can accept/decline the request (with an acceptance causing the item to be placed on her/his Outlook calendar), assuming s/he is using Outlook. If s/he is not using Outlook, then the message will appear as a simple email message with the appointment details in the message body.

Am I completely nuts or is this possible? Ive seen examples which require referencing the MS Outlook Object Library in the project, but it seems like those examples are using Outlook profiles to obtain email addresses, gain access to the SMTP, etc. Anyone have any ideas or suggestions (or links to info) that might help? Thanks in advance!