make a string w/ repeated letters

also, im programming in, i thought thats where i posted here. I dont know what language that is, but my compiler does not accept ";" designating line end.
* Iceplug wonders why Arch4ngel is posting C# code in the VB syntax forum :p

Take off the semicolons at the end, and use
str = str.PadRight(50, "Z"c);
You know - I think this site and I have some type of carma demon. Every time I ask for help I seem always to get my answers in C#, which up untill last september didnt even know that language existed. Frusterating at first, but now used to it.
Arch4ngel said:

The advice is there : Learn C#

:p lol

Ya see I dont know why that language was invented. I know is simple and easy, there isnt anything I need to do that this doesnt support. And if I wanted to learn C# I would just learn C++.
You know... C# is really near to C++.
C++ are hard to understand to beginner.
VB.NET is sometime to simple for advance. (Apart that previous version of VB were not efficient enough for a complex program)

C# combine the 2 worlds. It have ressemblance with C++ but have simplicity of VB.NET.

Youll have to read debat on which one is the best (same compilator... mostly the same result).

But C# is really good for starting. Itll continue to evolve. :D

Stay Zen.
Back in the day before C# - the programmers who made the cut to learn C++ did it. The ones who want BASIC stay. If it were possible in the past it can happen in the future. There is such a variety now. Nothing like re-inventing the wheel to slow the process of evolution. Whats next? C#basic for the ones that cant do C# but are too advanced for basic and then c#+ for the ones too smart for c# and are too shy for c++???? :eek:

Many people today are already brain-washed into thinking they have to take 4 years of computer science in order to be successfull in programming. To move from basic to C# and then to C++ just means you have to learn another language yet again. :mad:

Arch4ngel said:
You know... C# is really near to C++.
C++ are hard to understand to beginner.
VB.NET is sometime to simple for advance. (Apart that previous version of VB were not efficient enough for a complex program)

C# combine the 2 worlds. It have ressemblance with C++ but have simplicity of VB.NET.

Youll have to read debat on which one is the best (same compilator... mostly the same result).

But C# is really good for starting. Itll continue to evolve. :D

Stay Zen.
Hummmm... .NET language has been made for more efficient work.
They have basic component that can be evolved through heritance and .NET integrated an highly OOP environnement.

Yes I agree... theres too much language out there. And where ever you send your C.V. youre going to miss or language or two.

But... if youre going in enterprise... youre here to learn. To be proficient in computer... you must like to learn. So yes... to much language but so many difference between them.

Stay Zen.