Rating System


Well-known member
Mar 22, 2004
Montreal, QC
This can be really ... nice.

Itll need a bunch of programmation (thats why I think its not going to be added)

Having to rate a user on 10 on how he resolved our problem (only the thread starter could rate answers).

Idea on the fly seen somewhere in a comment of a Newcomer.

Other idea which could ease this system ?
Reason why not implanting it ? (beside its hard work... we all love hard work ;))
Reason why we MUST implant it ?
These are thread ratings, not user ratings.

Adding a user rating would be nice in the ideal world... but then everyone might not rate... and then picky people would rate people with low responses, so their thread might not be answered since their rating would be low... or however you planned for it to go. And then feelings would get hurt because some user has a higher rating than another user. ...
Ya right.

2 Level is right.

Moderator and user.
Those who rulez and those who dont.

Creating a hierarchic level would eventually lead to some forum rebellion and... bad comment. :p
Sorry man... Im french...
Programmation = Programming

A few time I drop a french term... and it leads to that : "Heuuu... whats that ?"
Yeahhh Yeahhhhh... laught of me. :p
Im waterproof to the water of your insult.

Ill get my revenge !!! :p LOLLLL
Like Terminator said : "Ill be back!"

Maybe an overall rating of how a particular topic, helped out one in need of answers. Allow those, searching for a specific answer... rate the entire thread (not just that of a specific individual) because one might provide a poor answer, the next might provide a decent answer, while the last might provide the ultimate solution.

Under the rating column, all I ever see is... a blank space or a paper clip (attachment), no star ratings.
As was mentioned above, there is already a thread rating system. It is hardly ever used.

The trouble with rating systems like this is the same as Iceplug mentioned earlier. Its always the extreme ends that vote regularly. The middle never vote. And with the extremes it also seems to be the case that the negative people vote more religiously than the positive ones. This results in a data slew that makes the system misleading and irrelevant.

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