Little class inspired by a code snippet from Nerseus originally posted here
this C# class will set the Cursor for a given form and reset it when the class is disposed - propbably best used with C#s using function.
Sample usage
The class also provides an overloaded constructor allowing you to specify which cursor is required.
In a debug build the class runs slower as it will record which Method / File / Line it was allocated on (Using the StackTrace and StackFrame classes) and has a finalizer that checks we have been properly disposed - if not it will assert giving the relevant details about its creation.
In a release build all this information is removed and no Finalizer is emitted.
Typical assert output is as follows
The class can be used for VB you just have to remember to call .Dispose manually (VB doesnt have the equivalent of C#s using)
Edit: In debug builds now asserts if the cursor has been changed to a different cursor in between the object being created and disposed.
this C# class will set the Cursor for a given form and reset it when the class is disposed - propbably best used with C#s using function.
Sample usage
//following line will set the mouse pointer to the hourglass
using (ChangeMousePointer c = new ChangeMousePointer(this))
for (int i=0;i < 1000000; i++)
} //cursor will be restored here
The class also provides an overloaded constructor allowing you to specify which cursor is required.
In a debug build the class runs slower as it will record which Method / File / Line it was allocated on (Using the StackTrace and StackFrame classes) and has a finalizer that checks we have been properly disposed - if not it will assert giving the relevant details about its creation.
In a release build all this information is removed and no Finalizer is emitted.
Typical assert output is as follows
---- Assert Short Message ----
ChangeMousePointer not disposed
---- Assert Long Message ----
Originally allocated
Method : button2_Click
File : c:\documents and settings\x\my documents\visual studio projects\windowsapplication7\form1.cs
Line : 117
at ChangeMousePointer.Finalize()
The class can be used for VB you just have to remember to call .Dispose manually (VB doesnt have the equivalent of C#s using)
Edit: In debug builds now asserts if the cursor has been changed to a different cursor in between the object being created and disposed.
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