For a simple, single page save as you could start with something like this (adapted from an example posted by Robby in
this thread):
Dim sHtml As String
Dim sr As IO.StreamReader
Dim wc As New Net.WebClient()
sr = New IO.StreamReader(wc.OpenRead(m_URL))
sHtml = sr.ReadToEnd
The code above reads an html file into a string (sHtml) - which you could then write to a file of your choice (or a users selecting) with standard file I/O.
If you wanted to mimic the save complete functionality of the IE save as youd need to do a bit more work (or somehow tap into IE to do it for you). Youd need to parse the main html file to find all linked resources like images, css files, script files, etc and do similar saves for each one of them seperately.