I have a simple routine that converts gif images to tiffs like so
Really very simple.
But is there a way that I can control the compression of the tiff that results?
I have tried looking into the EncoderParameters but there is scare info out there about this stuff.
Any suggestions?
If fi.Name.Substring(fi.Name.Length - 4, 4).ToUpper = ".GIF" Then
Dim img As Image = Image.FromFile(fi.FullName)
Dim tifName As String
tifName = Path.GetDirectoryName(fi.FullName)
tifName = tifName & "\" & Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fi.Name) & ".tif"
img.Save(tifName, ImageFormat.Tiff)
i += 1
Me.txtResults.Text = Me.txtResults.Text & System.Environment.NewLine & i & " Saved " & tifName
MessageBox.Show("Something is messed up this is not a gif file")
End If
Really very simple.
But is there a way that I can control the compression of the tiff that results?
I have tried looking into the EncoderParameters but there is scare info out there about this stuff.
Any suggestions?