How to fill a data grid using a stored procedure


Jul 3, 2004
Hi everyone , Im almost new do this subject Please help me if you can.

How to fill a data grid using a stored procedure

The stored proc name is purchase_transaction,there is an input parameter which is purchase_order_number1
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.Purchase_Transaction
(@Purchase_order_Number1 int ,@Purchase_transaction_id int  output,@Purchase_Order_Number int output,@Item_id int output)

	select Purchase_transaction_id,Purchase_Order_Number,Item_id from Purchase_transactions
              where Purchase_order_Number=@Purchase_order_Number1

The datagrids name is dgPo
Here is how my code looks like:
 Dim myCmd1 As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("Purchase_Transaction", objConn)
                myCmd1.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
                myCmd1.Parameters.Add("@Purchase_order_Number1", SqlDbType.Int)
                myCmd1.Parameters("@Purchase_order_Number1").Value = CInt(txtOrderNo.Text)
                myCmd1.Parameters("Purchase_order_Number1").Direction = ParameterDirection.Input

                Dim dr2 As SqlDataReader
                    dr2 = myCmd1.ExecuteReader()
                    While dr2.Read
                         bind dr2 to dgpo
                         DgPO= dr2.Item("purchase_transaction_id")
                    End While

                End Try
                DgPO.Enabled = False
            End While


        Catch exc As Exception
        End Try

Even if you can think of another approach please help me with it.
Dim myCmd1 As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("Purchase_Transaction", objConn)

myCmd1.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure

myCmd1.Parameters.Add("@Purchase_order_Number1", SqlDbType.Int)

myCmd1.Parameters("@Purchase_order_Number1").Value = CInt(txtOrderNo.Text)

myCmd1.Parameters("Purchase_order_Number1").Direction = ParameterDirection.Input

Dim dr2 As SqlDataReader

DataGrid1.DataSource = dr2
DataGrid1.DataBind() ONLY IN ASP.NET

Dear Arch4ngel
Im getting this error message " An sql parameter Name purchase_order_Number1 is not contained by this sqlparameter Collectiom".
change :
myCmd1.Parameters("Purchase_order_Number1").Direction = ParameterDirection.Input


myCmd1.Parameters("@Purchase_order_Number1").Direction = ParameterDirection.Input
Thanks Arch4ngel for your respons
I dont have that error any more, but the datagrid is not displaying the data yet. Is it possible to use the Fill method when using a datareader?
In which kind of app are you displaying your Data ? windows application or ASP.NET application ?

Fill method is only for DataAdapter. DataReader use Read. But the Read method will be called as often as needed by your Datagrid to fill all the data.
Im dispalying my data in a windows application. here how the code looks like now
 Dim dr2 As SqlDataReader
                    dr2 = myCmd1.ExecuteReader()
                    While dr2.Read
                        DgPO.DataSource = dr2
                    End While

                End Try
remove the while. I didnt have a while in my answer.

If you only take part of my answer and change it as you like... dont complain it dont work :p

it should not be in a while loop. Only : DgPO.DataSource = dr2
Its working now - After taking you answer as is :D
I get this error Procedure purchase_transaction expects parameter @purchase_transaction_id which was not supported. I have tried to remove purchase_transaction_id from the stored proc but didnt work.
I told you Im new to this subject, thanks for your support.
Make sure that when you add your parameter that they are named EXACTLY the same (with "@") because itll not work because itll be unrecognized.
Im still having a problem with displaying data in the datagrid. Do you think that I need to use a data set whith the datareader? or is there something wrong with my stored procedure ?
I had a look at some threads, some people dont think that it is possible to use a data reader with A datagrid,
instead they suggest using a datatable.
In this case I think I think I have to startover. :o