c#: Playing sounds...

I believe that how many sounds that can be played correctly at once is dependant on your sound card. I thought you could open up as many .wavs as you want? just never close them and loop em forever.
neodammer said:
I believe that how many sounds that can be played correctly at once is dependant on your sound card. I thought you could open up as many .wavs as you want? just never close them and loop em forever.
I think he is actually asking for some help in reference to the code aspect of it. :confused:
There are a number of excellent examples on this site. Just do a quick search for Play Wav File and youll be in wav heaven.
Oh God... i thought this thread would die empty... well I will do the search and see what I can learn...

Tks to u all!

PS:Hope I can find an mp3 play sound example too :)

Later ACES!
EFileTahi-A said:
Well i found only vb.net examples.... well i will try other ways... tks anyway m8s
Dont give up... take the vb .net examples, and I know there are a couple of sites (just cant remember them, but there are links... somewhere in these forums) that translate vb to c# and vice versa.