Game Sub-Forum?

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Well-known member
Aug 3, 2003
Kent, Uk.
Would it be possible to have a game sub-forum, like they do on the sister site? I think it would make it easier to have all game related posts put together.

Jay1b said:
Would it be possible to have a game sub-forum, like they do on the sister site? I think it would make it easier to have all game related posts put together.

Id love it as well.

The answer will be that anything game related can be broken down into "General", "Syntax", "Graphics", "Database", "components/Forms", "Directory/IO/registry" or "Network".

I think its more than that.

Different crowds hang out in different forums. I hang out in the General and winForms mostly. I dont even look in the database, directory and network unless I have a problem. I dont know enough about them to help out.

Its true that you can break them all down, but now you wont get many game developers. If you had the choice of a site which had a forum devoted to helping you out and you could find 90% of your gaming help in one place - or another site where the same information was there, but not directed towards you and scattered to the 9 winds and youll have to translate your information from productivity and office integration apps to figure out how to use it... I know Id be over in the other forums. Thats were I go when I need game info.
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