irasmith said:
I know Visual Source Safe is supposed to help change control in team environments, but if you are in a solo environment is there still advantages to be gained from using it?
VSS does versioning, so if you check out code, modify it, and check it back in, itll track history for you (you can compare versions, compare whats in VSS to what you have in your project, or even use VSS to compare two external files). The compare feature is nice for seeing differences in versions. You can "rollback" to previous versions if you need to. So, the history and versioning are a nice feature no matter how you develop (solo or team).
VSS can also act as a backup. For example, if you check out code from VSS, modify it, and decide youve completely screwed up your project all you have to do is go to VSS and do a "get latest" to restore you last good version (assuming you always check your most recent "good versions" into VSS). Also, VSS is a database seperate from your project(s) - and if you backup your VSS files to another medium/drive or have VSS on another machine, you have a nice level of backup protection in case something happens to the drive/machine your code is on. When you know you have a complete, safe copy of your project in VSS you dont have to worry about completely pillaging a project to experiment or make major changes - because if you totally screw up the project you have a way to recover.
You can do manual versioning and backups, storing copies of your files and/or projects in folders littering your drive(s) - but VSS probably does it a little cleaner and provides for a lesser margin of error.
[edit]I was writing/posting this while Nerseus posted his link - but Ill keep my repetitive drivel here...and add, after reading that thread, that VSS isnt the only source control program out there, and its sometimes a little clunky, but it seems to work well enough (we use it where I work). We also use it to store some non-code stuff, like project tracking spreadsheets, server/db server listings (we have tons of both), programming standards docs, etc)[/edit]