Intro to Object Orientated Programming - The Basics of a Class


Sep 4, 2002
Lancashire, UK
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Guide to Object Orientated code in .Net

This is intended as a guide on the features .Net provides in terms of Object Orientated Programming. This post will cover simple issues such as classes and structures as well as basic terminology used. Later articles will cover other areas such as interfaces and inheritance. Most of the code snippets are in VB.Net but C# will be shown if major differences occur and I will endeavour to include complete projects in both languages.

Within .Net everything is an object from the most complex classes you design to a simple Boolean or Integer value .Net treats everything the same. To really understand how to best take advantage of .Net getting to grips with the concepts of Object Orientated Design / Programming is a must.

The first difference when coming from a non-OO (Object Orientated) language is there is no longer a separation of Data Structures and Functions that operate on those structures, both concepts are merged into the idea of an object. This introduces two common terms found in nearly all OO literature Encapsulation and Abstraction.

Encapsulation is simply a term that means


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