Id say learn more languages for the fun of it - after all, you can do the exact same things in each language, stick with the language which you feel that "flows" the best for you. Be a Jack-Of-All-Trades, but a master of
one at least
My suggestion to you is look into Java. C# and VB.NET are similar, they can accomplish basically the same thing, choose one that you feel works best for you.
As for C++ and Java, id recommend you try learning both
. Java is a much more "organized" language I should say... C++ is "messier", but its powerful and you can push it to its limits. Im learning some Java this year, it doesnt look that bad - as a matter of fact I think it looks like C# (after all, the rumor goes that Microsoft created C# to "match" with Java)
My advice is to tackle some C++.. or if you dont feel like "stepping up" that high, try Java and then go to C++.
Heres how I learned stuff:
VB -> C# -> C++ -> Java
Im good mainly in VB and C++, but with C++ its mainly a "meh i know how to do this, I can do this later its easy nuff.. ah what the hell Ill just do this in VB! ", so Ive never really practiced it becuase vb is addicting
Keep in mind that VB.NET and C# are both RAD (Rapid Application Development) and are very user- (or should I say programmer
) friendly langauges. C++ and Java (im not sure about Java) are mainly for speed, control, and power.
Edit: Lol, I said "my suggestion is java" and then i said "my advice is C++"... what I meant was, if you dont feel like "steppin up" to C++, look into Java first
-The Pentium Guy