Okay, more stuff... in c# when I type:
Public WebForm1 : System.Web.UI.Page, ITest
Intellisense tells me to press tab to put the interface stubs in... Im not getting that in my VB (2002) IDE ... thats a great feature... all I get in VB is the blue squiggles saying I have to use such an inteface...
Public ReadOnly Property TestProperty() As Object Implements ITest.TestProperty
This is how VB implements an interface???!!!! What a pain... especially if I cant have the stubs automatically put in....and how come I can change the name and it still implements correctly and compiles as in:
Public ReadOnly Property Blah() As Object Implements ITest.TestProperty
Public WebForm1 : System.Web.UI.Page, ITest
Intellisense tells me to press tab to put the interface stubs in... Im not getting that in my VB (2002) IDE ... thats a great feature... all I get in VB is the blue squiggles saying I have to use such an inteface...
Public ReadOnly Property TestProperty() As Object Implements ITest.TestProperty
This is how VB implements an interface???!!!! What a pain... especially if I cant have the stubs automatically put in....and how come I can change the name and it still implements correctly and compiles as in:
Public ReadOnly Property Blah() As Object Implements ITest.TestProperty