I am creating a function that will take a pipe ( | ) delimited text file of 5 columns and convert it to a dataset - the code i have so far is:
Now..., it creates the dataset fine, BUT...the first column only displays the value once in the first row, - after that it seems to place a vbcrlf in front of the value so it is not visible unless i delete it manually from each field - you with me? basically there is something wrong in the code and i cant seem to work out where, which is causing the first column to incorrectly show the values.
Any ideas anyone?
I am creating a function that will take a pipe ( | ) delimited text file of 5 columns and convert it to a dataset - the code i have so far is:
Public Function Convert(ByVal strFileName As String, ByVal dtTable As String, ByVal strDelimiter As String) As DataSet
Dim objStreamReader As New StreamReader(strFileName)
Dim objColumns As String() = objStreamReader.ReadLine().Split(strDelimiter.ToCharArray())
Dim AllData As String = objStreamReader.ReadToEnd()
Dim rows As String() = AllData.Split(ControlChars.CrLf + ControlChars.NewLine.ToCharArray())
Now add each row to the DataSet
Dim r As String
For Each r In rows
Split the row at the delimiter.
Dim items As String() = r.Split(strDelimiter.ToCharArray())
Add the item
Next r
Return the imported data.
Return dsResult
End Function
Now..., it creates the dataset fine, BUT...the first column only displays the value once in the first row, - after that it seems to place a vbcrlf in front of the value so it is not visible unless i delete it manually from each field - you with me? basically there is something wrong in the code and i cant seem to work out where, which is causing the first column to incorrectly show the values.
Any ideas anyone?
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