command_click is an event handler,
It is a method of the form, not a method of the control.
I have no defined handler for the control
I dont even want to define an event handler.
what I wanted to do was send a message to the control. I had to declare a call to SendMessage in the API.
You see, the problem I have is that setting MSFlexGrid.Row = 4, selected Cell(1,4), and not entire row 4, despite having set RowSelectOnly.
If I click on row 4, the entire row selected as I had designed.
So I had to declare a call to the API.
But then I had to translate RowPos twips to pixels.
Again, what the hell is a twip???
Does anyone actually do anyting with twips???
Btw way, why is the Flexgrid designed so that to change a cell you have to do:
Grid.Col = 1
Grid.Row = 1
Grid.Text = "aValue"
where in every other language it is simply
Grid.Cell(1.1) = "aValue"
The VB approach triggers RowColChanged events. Which means I had to declare a boolean variable and set that before I programattically changed the row or column in order to prevent the code in the handler from firing.
why cant you programmatically attach and detach handlers in VB6?
And where is the client rectangle in VB controls????
Where is the anchor property?
Is there a splitter in VB6?
How do I make BOLD the fonts in the fixed rows of a flexgrid?
Where are the paint events????
So you know what I have been doing? exporting all the delphi controls as ActiveX controls and using them.
And the VB developer I am working with keeps saying wow! how did you do that???
Oh yeah! I cant attach to form events without wrapping the form in a class!And then, (GET THIS!!!) I have to redeclare the events in the wrapper so other classes can attach to them!
I was reading a SAMS book that referred to programming in VB as a groundbreaking RAD environment.
This is not RAD, its BAD!!!!