i am using vb.net, asp.net and sqlserver 2000 as my backend.. i have SqlConnection,SqlDataAdapters and Dataset on my webform1 (which is my main form).. webform1 caches SqlDataAdapters and the Dataset to be used on other webforms.
Webform2 receives the cache of the SqlDataAdapters and the Dataset. I have a datagrid which is using the cached SqlDataAdapter and the cached Dataset(which i have on my webform1), the datagrid is binded to the Dataset. I also have two textboxes which are(customerTypeid and customerType, which are basically the two column names of the datagrid)and a command button on my webform2 which allows users to add a new row to the datagrid and dataset.
i would like that when the user clicks the command button, that next primary key of the dataset is added to the textbox CustomerTypeId, then updated to the Table in my database..
at the moment the code i have only updates my Table in the database..
my code is as follows.
would really appreciate it if someone could tell me how this should be done.. thanks in advance.. sonia
i am using vb.net, asp.net and sqlserver 2000 as my backend.. i have SqlConnection,SqlDataAdapters and Dataset on my webform1 (which is my main form).. webform1 caches SqlDataAdapters and the Dataset to be used on other webforms.
Webform2 receives the cache of the SqlDataAdapters and the Dataset. I have a datagrid which is using the cached SqlDataAdapter and the cached Dataset(which i have on my webform1), the datagrid is binded to the Dataset. I also have two textboxes which are(customerTypeid and customerType, which are basically the two column names of the datagrid)and a command button on my webform2 which allows users to add a new row to the datagrid and dataset.
i would like that when the user clicks the command button, that next primary key of the dataset is added to the textbox CustomerTypeId, then updated to the Table in my database..
at the moment the code i have only updates my Table in the database..
my code is as follows.
these are the cached SqlDataAdapter and Dataset used on this webform
Public adaptCustomerCustomerDemo As New SqlDataAdapter
Public dsCustomerCustomerDemo As New dsCustomerCustomerDemo
this code binds the datagrid to the dataset. The datasource of the datagrid is in the webform2.aspx file
Private Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Put user code to initialize the page here
If Not IsPostBack Then
dsCustomerCustomerDemo = Cache("dsCustomerCustomerDemo")
CustomerTypeId.Visible = False
CustomerType.Visible = False
txtCustomerTypeId.Visible = False
txtCustomerType.Visible = False
ButAdd.Visible = True
ButAdd1.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
this codes hides the datagrid when the user clicks the ButAdd_Click1 and shows the txtCustomerTypeId and the txtCustomerType textboxes and the ButAdd1 command button
Private Sub ButAdd_Click1(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButAdd.Click
If IsPostBack = True Then
CustomerTypeId.Visible = True
CustomerType.Visible = True
Panel1.Visible = False
txtCustomerTypeId.Visible = True
txtCustomerType.Visible = True
ButAdd.Visible = False
ButAdd1.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
this codes is the Add button which shows when the user is going to add a new row to the Table in the Database and also updates it.
Private Sub ButAdd1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButAdd1.Click
adaptCustomerCustomerDemo = Cache("adaptCustomerCustomerDemo")
Dim dscustomerscustomersdemo As New dsCustomerCustomerDemo
Dim rownew As dsCustomerCustomerDemo.CustomerCustomerDemoRow
rownew = dsCustomerCustomerDemo.CustomerCustomerDemo.NewCustomerCustomerDemoRow()
add the record to the row
rownew.CustomerTypeID = getid(dsCustomerCustomerDemo.Tables("customercustomerdemo"))
rownew.CustomerType = txtCustomerType.Text
adaptCustomerCustomerDemo.Update(dsCustomerCustomerDemo, "CustomerCustomerDemo")
Litstatus.Text = rownew.CustomerType & "Has been added to the database.<br>"
Catch ex As Exception
Litstatus.Text = "An error occured <br>" & _
End Try
End Sub
this is the function which get the next row of the dataTable
Function getid(ByVal dt As DataTable) As Integer
Dim nextrow As Integer = dt.Rows.Count + 1
If IsNothing(dt.Rows.Find(nextrow)) Then Return nextrow
do an array to see if there is an id for the row to get
For nextrow = 0 To dt.Rows.Count
If IsNothing(dt.Rows.Find(nextrow)) Then Return nextrow
Return 0
End Function
Function cleartextboxess()
Dim ctrl As Control
For Each ctrl In Page.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is HtmlForm Then
Dim subctrl As Control
For Each subctrl In ctrl.Controls
If TypeOf subctrl Is System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox Then
CType(subctrl, TextBox).Text = ""
End If
End If
End Function
would really appreciate it if someone could tell me how this should be done.. thanks in advance.. sonia