Imitate a Java Client (applet) for ConferenceRoom! How?


Aug 28, 2004

An application called "Conference Room" is, in fact, an improved IRC serevr for professionnals. This application uses the same IRC Protocol with some new features. One of them is the +j mdoe (MODE nickname +j). This mode is to enable the filtering for accept ONLY JAVA CLIENTS so IRC clients can go to teh serevr but not in channels with filter (accept only java client so only users with +j)!

Im actually coding a C# application wich allow me to connect to a ConferenceRoom server and imitate the Java Client, bu i dont know how. How the CR (conferenceroom) server know if the user is behind a Java Client or not (to after the verification, put him to the +j mode) ? The Java Client (an applet) sends something at the begining ?
I have made an Ethereal file with all packets sending and receiving before, during and after the connexion!

Download the file here : Packets (you must have Ethereal to view it!)

So if you know how to imitate a Java Client or if you have some ideas, pls post Very Happy

I just didnt get what does the Java Applet actually does in that scenario...

1 - Will you actually use it on you CR?
2 - Is it just for a filtering propose and then completly discard the Applet?
3 - If (2) is true, why bother with the applet at all and why not create another, managed, kind of filter?

I may be missing something...

Alex :p
I just want to use an IRC CLient (ill code in c#) for imitate the Java Applet. Because if you are not a java client, you dont have access to the channels with a special mode which allow only java client.
for (3) : i dont code in Java and i think, all java clients isnt allowed, it must be the java client proposed in theire website or with their application!

So, i think the client sends some packets to say "im a java client" and the server : "ok, +j mode for you". but i dont see these packets in my packets log sniffer :s

Need help p
I sont know much about "sniffing" but the info can be very short... passed for example as the encryption of the login for the channel... If the login string is well encrypted is because youre using their java client applet...

In me understanding, it will a bit tedious to break into that...
Some library reverse engeneering would be in hand here... Is it worthy?

Alex :p