Well-known member
Theres a VB tag problem on this forum which is not present on the XVBT forum. If you want some examples I can show you plenty . One reason being that if there is one comment in the source code, it thinks the rest is a comment.
The VB code tags are MUCH cleaner on the other forum:
I realize that you dont have access to the source code from iNET. However, I thought the 2 forums were based off the same source code. So why is this even a problem? And I know its not your fault .
-The Pentium Guy
line = reader.readline
If Not line.contains(":") Then
Read it like normal
This is easy
s =line.split(":")
if s(0) = "Choice" then LookAtChoice(line) End If
End If
Public Sub LookAtChoice(line as string)
Dim colonSplit() as string
Dim commaSplit() as String
Dim numberofchoices as integer
colonsplit = line.Split(":") Split "Choice:Yes,No:Would you like some money?"
texttodisplay = colonsplit(2) "Would you like some money"
commasplit = colonsplit(1).Split(",")
numberofchoices = commasplit(0)
Ill create a DisplayChoiceList function somewhere else.
The game will only be able to hold 2, 3, or 4 choices
if numberofchoices = 2 then DisplayChoiceList(numchoices, commasplit(1), commasplit(2))
if numberofchoices = 3 then DisplayChoiceList(numchoices, commasplit(1), commasplit(2), commasplit(3))
if numberofchoices = 4 then DisplayChoiceList(numchoices, commasplit(1), commasplit(2), commasplit(3), commasplit(4))
End Sub
Later, when the player chooses a choice:
Public sub CheckForChoices(myChoice as String)
Reader.readline() The #Choice line is just for cleansiness
Dim numLines as string
loop until reader.readline = myChoice & ":" The line looks like " Yes: "
numlines = cint(reader.readline) the 2 in the line after Yes: .. or No:
for x as integer = 1 to numlines
texttodisplay =
Loop until reader.readline = "#EndChoice"
Skip the rest of the choices
End Sub
The VB code tags are MUCH cleaner on the other forum:
I realize that you dont have access to the source code from iNET. However, I thought the 2 forums were based off the same source code. So why is this even a problem? And I know its not your fault .
-The Pentium Guy