Time Zone Suggestion


Well-known member
Aug 8, 2004
Portugal / Barreiro
Its very confusing (at least for me) to post threads from a country who haves a diferent Time Zone from the one this site is based on (USA Time zone?) and seeing that the hour does not match. Making the threads hour information almost useless (again, at least for me).

So, my suggestion is: Allowing "Xtreme .NET Talk" users to choose our preferably Time Zone in our account or, retrieving the right Time Zone based on the account country settings, like, If am from portugal, then the site knows it haves to add / remove "+x hours" to the base hour definition (althought the first one would be greater (specialy for people who travels alot) and easier to make (I guess)).

Well, I hope to hear some feedback from moderators soon.
Thanks for the attention.

- EFileTahi-A -