Cross network communication


Active member
Sep 5, 2003

Can anyone give me a hand here please, I am currently banging my head against a wall trying to figure out how to do this!

What I want is a server application which can be connected to by a client application over the internet (http). The client must be able to pass parameters to the server i.e. in a function. The server must also be able to detect i.e. run code when the client connects or disconnects.

I have been looking at .NET Remoting but can not find any samles showing how to detect client connects/disconnects from the server. Is Remoting the way to go or am I looking in the wrong place?

P.S. I am using C#.


Remoting is mainly for calling remote procedures...why would you have to see if a client connected? You can find out information about the client when they invoke the remote method... in which case you might want to use a web service instead of remoting. But for more control, you would create an httpApp, and for the most control, sockets.