Web Services on Win 2003 Server


New member
Feb 8, 2005
I wrote a simple web services (to return Hello World) but I am just unable to run it.

When I try accessing the service through a browser, I am able to see the web service method but when I click on it, I always get an error syaing that some dll is missing. The name of the missing dll is different everytime..

Is there some security setting or something that has to be considered while hosting a web service on Win 2003 Server edition?
IIRC asp.net is disabled by default on Win2k3, however the fact you are getting the web page up is a good sign it has been enabled.
When you say the missing dll is different everytime is it only a couple of dll names that are being displayed?
Also if you could post the name(s) of the dlls in question and give a bit of detail about them (if known).