New forum: Data Structures?


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2004
Lately, I have been interested in data types and structures. I am not talking about integers and doubles, but actual file composition. For example, reading and editing MPEG files, MP3 Files, ISOs, reading FAT information, NTFS information, etc. Possbily a forum could be made for this? I dont know who else would be interested, but I figured since I was greatly interested, the idea might spark something. I know this is a .NET forum, but surely there is room for programming in .NET at the lower levels and its not all flashy crystal reports and progess bars(oohhh the ones with multiple gradient colors ;) )

Let me know what you guys think :)
Many times I wished to examine raw binary data in files to extract/modify data but usually had no idea where to even start. I think that would be an excellent forum topic but Im not sure that the idea will be popular enough to actually work well as a forum. It would certainly be worth a shot though.
If you figure out the MP3 format, along with the C# code, Id suggest posting a sample that could go into the Code Library forum for all to see.

If you just have a question, it could go in the forum Derek mentioned. If you have the C++ structure and need help translating to C# or VB.NET, maybe in the language specific forum or even General.
