Microsoft Certification Sample Tests?


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2003
I recall there being some online tests at Microsoft for Microsoft certifications. Just practice tests to show you were you need to work on in terms of skills.

I cannot find it now to save my life. Anyone know where it is?

Im a MSDN Universal subscriber if that helps.

Id prefer a Microsoft sample test as Ive done those before - but Im not terribly picky.

I just finished up the Microsoft book for .net windows desktop development and I want to take a few practice tests before I plunk down the money for the official certification test.
Ive seen the last one - it just links to sites where you can pay to take a practice test.

What I took before hand was a practice MCAD test on a microsoft page. It wasnt 3rd party. It really humbled me as to how little I actually knew about XML Web Services and ASP.Net as far as the test went.

I just finished the win development book and want to study up and take the cert for it so I can move onto ASP.Net and then XML & SQL Server