Memory question


Mega-Ultra Chicken
Jun 10, 2003
User Rank
Im curious. What are other peoples memory usage for devenv.exe.

I have a good amount of RAM (1 gig), so it wouldnt surprise me to see mine a little higher than average. I am currently workin on an app, though, and devenv.exe starts out at 25 megs (with my solution open). Each time I build and run a debug (windows forms app), the memory usage shoots way up (300+ megs after a few builds). This is causing other memory hungry apps (photoshop for example) to crash, and my PF usage is almost 700 megs.
237432K now

I am using VS.NET 2002, working on a winform project.

I find it running slower and slower when I work and need reboot from time to time.
If youre dealing with your own user-drawn controls, ensure that all your GDI objects are being disposed explicitly.

Ive certainly had the case where I forgot to do so, and every action with my user control WITHIN THE DESIGNER caused massive memory usage in a very short space of time.

Im working on a multi-project soplution at the moment, with around 18 DLL files and three executables totalling around a million lines, and my copy of Visual Studio (2003) usually runs between 200-300MB memory usage at any given point in time. (on a machine with 1.5GB, its pretty nippy ;))

penfold69 said:
If youre dealing with your own user-drawn controls, ensure that all your GDI objects are being disposed explicitly.

The idea of a memory leak through one of my custom controls has occured to me. I am using my own (inherited) form, an owner drawn listbox, and loads of usercontrols (though my control would probably be better off inheriting from Control instead of UserControl, Ill look into that). But when the app itself is running as a release build, its not having any memory issues. Could have something to do with the designer, I guess.