Im tired of it. Comparing languages, that is. All the C++ programmers think that VB is the devil, and VB programmers think that C++ is impossibly difficult. Half of these people never even give the other language a chance. I use VB because it suits my needs. Not because C++ scares me. You run into people who will tell you things like C++ is simpler than VB or worse yet that it is better in every way. And its not just C++ programmers ragging on VB programmers. Here, sometimes, its C# and VB.Net. Elsewhere, its Java and ActiveX. Its PHP and ASP. Its Windows and Linux (well... that one I can kind of see). Each language and platform has its purpose, and it just seems to me that it shouldnt be too much to ask for an unbiased comparison of the two, rather than an insistence that one or the other is unequivocally better under all circumstances.
In case anyone is wondering why I made this post, this is why...
In case anyone is wondering why I made this post, this is why...
C syntax is about as simple and idiot-proof as it can get
Is it easier to make templated, carbon copy form programs in VB? yes
Is it easier to make any other kind of program in VB? definatly not.
theyre [C/C++] just superior languages
Sure -- slapping together pre-existing code to create a cookie cutter program is much faster to do in VB (thats pretty much what it was designed for)
Start with C/C++ rather than wasting time with VB before switching over.