Gmail and .net files

Hmm... that is weird. The first thing that occured to me is that it may be because they are source code and potentially malicious. It will allow you to send VB6 source files and .cpp files though. Doesnt make sense to me.
Diesel said:
Why does gmail view .vb and .cs files as executable files?
Could it be that they may be VBScript-files and as such can be executed? Its the same as with .bat files, isnt it?

How can a .cs file be Vbscript? And how can vb and cs files be executed independently?
How can a .cs file be Vbscript?
Got me there ;)

vbscript files can be executed with the built in windows scripting engine. I have some vague memories of it being able to execute c# files as well, but someone else might be better updated on that.

Maybe I will start a petition. It gets annoying, changing the extensions on all the cs and vb files.
kejpa said:
I have some vague memories of it being able to execute c# files as well, but someone else might be better updated on that.
If anyones interested in this, I read this a few days ago. Quite interesting to me, but Ive not tried it at all..
Anything potentially dangerous is blocked by Google.

They block the VB.Net/C# files, .chm (!?) and .zip (not sure about .rar).

All are listed as potentially harmful. Im not sure about .Zip, but the .chm and .Net files are listed as executable, which neither are.

The solution is to change the extension. I zip up all of my items/project I want to sent and change the name to .zig or something. That normally works :D
I just sent a zip to myself, it went fine. I couldnt possibly see them blocking zips.
GMail seems quite picky - I send my work to and from college in .zips 3 times a week, every week and Ive not had a problem at all.. But I have a few friends who cant send their work in zips and have to change the extension as Denaes said.
It works like this. Gmail checks your .zips to see if you have any malicious files in them, if you do, it wont work. It also blocks a crapload of other file types. The way Ive always gotten around this is to put all files in a .zip and rename the .zip to .zipX then, in the email, tell the recipient that it includes a .zip file renamed to .zipX