Im trying to put values in the a chart legend in excel.
I refer to a few websites & found out the method below but it seems like "Value" is not a member of LegendEntries. MSDN only provide samples of chrt.Legend.LegendEntries(i).Font.blah... which clearly are not helpful at all.
Please advise.
Thank you.
I refer to a few websites & found out the method below but it seems like "Value" is not a member of LegendEntries. MSDN only provide samples of chrt.Legend.LegendEntries(i).Font.blah... which clearly are not helpful at all.
For i = 1 To chrt.Legend.LegendEntries.Count()
chrt.Legend.LegendEntries(i).Value = xws.Range("B" & i + 3).Value
Please advise.
Thank you.