(this is all ASP.NET related)
Ive never messed with AD using VBS before, but apparently the LAN team has and everything they do they can bind to a specific server. Now in my limited experiance using the DirectoryEntry and DirectorySearcher object there is a flag called ServerBind that you can use when connecting but MSDNs documentation on that is vague. And by that I mean what do they mean if you have a server specified in the LDAP path and if you do have it in your LDAP path does that mean you are already binding to a specific server?
LDAP://CN=Happy Gilmore,OU=Comedy,DC=movies,DC=entertainment,DC=com
Arent you specifying the movies.entertainment.com domain already? Or do they mean putting the server at the beginning of LDAP path which seems is what you have to do whenever youre passing in the username and password as part of the DirectoryEntry connection:
LDAP://movies/CN=Happy Gilmore,OU=Comedy,DC=movies,DC=entertainment,DC=com
I dont know why I have to specify the domain name at the beginning like that when using user name and password, but I do...otherwise I get a Server not found error. The first LDAP will only work if I have the impersonate attribute set to true in the web.config file, interestingly enough the second will work with impersonation also but it seems a lot slower.
So anyway, to my point/question...we cant move forward until we can tell the LAN guys what server our AD queries are going to...since my rootDSE is the entire path as above, or Im not using DirectorySearcher and going directly to the entry because I know where its at, I dont know what to tell them and cant find any documentation to support my theory that with the LDAP paths above I am specifying a server (movies).
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!
Ive never messed with AD using VBS before, but apparently the LAN team has and everything they do they can bind to a specific server. Now in my limited experiance using the DirectoryEntry and DirectorySearcher object there is a flag called ServerBind that you can use when connecting but MSDNs documentation on that is vague. And by that I mean what do they mean if you have a server specified in the LDAP path and if you do have it in your LDAP path does that mean you are already binding to a specific server?
LDAP://CN=Happy Gilmore,OU=Comedy,DC=movies,DC=entertainment,DC=com
Arent you specifying the movies.entertainment.com domain already? Or do they mean putting the server at the beginning of LDAP path which seems is what you have to do whenever youre passing in the username and password as part of the DirectoryEntry connection:
LDAP://movies/CN=Happy Gilmore,OU=Comedy,DC=movies,DC=entertainment,DC=com
I dont know why I have to specify the domain name at the beginning like that when using user name and password, but I do...otherwise I get a Server not found error. The first LDAP will only work if I have the impersonate attribute set to true in the web.config file, interestingly enough the second will work with impersonation also but it seems a lot slower.
So anyway, to my point/question...we cant move forward until we can tell the LAN guys what server our AD queries are going to...since my rootDSE is the entire path as above, or Im not using DirectorySearcher and going directly to the entry because I know where its at, I dont know what to tell them and cant find any documentation to support my theory that with the LDAP paths above I am specifying a server (movies).
Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!