Am after stumbling on a major error in my code when dealing with crystal reports, I found that if a name has an appostraphy, then crystal throws the following error:
When I pass values to crystal, I am using FormulaFields. So is there a way to get Crystal to accept the appostraphy or do I have to remove it or replace it with a different character?
Error in File C:\DOCUME~1\D2400\ASPNET\LOCALS~1\Temp\temp_dc5b0c65-f99b-49dd-8890-6219bd883c85.rpt: Error in formula <User>. Michael ODonnell The remaining text does not appear to be part of the formula.
When I pass values to crystal, I am using FormulaFields. So is there a way to get Crystal to accept the appostraphy or do I have to remove it or replace it with a different character?