Hi all,
Have a number of crystal reports that are pulling information from the database and displaying that data in the correct fashion. I am also displaying these reports in .pdf format.
The problem that I am experiencing is that once I deploy my web application upto the web server, the crystal reports cant be displayed. The same problem exists if I try and view the crystal reports on my machine through the web browser of another machine.
Any suggestions on what the problem could be?
Have a number of crystal reports that are pulling information from the database and displaying that data in the correct fashion. I am also displaying these reports in .pdf format.
Private Sub generateReport()
Dim oRpt As New rptMembers
oRpt.DataDefinition.FormulaFields("Org").Text = "" + Session("OrgID") + ""
oRpt.DataDefinition.FormulaFields("GID").Text = "" + Request.QueryString("GID") + ""
oRpt.DataDefinition.FormulaFields("Active").Text = "" + Request.QueryString("Active") + ""
oRpt.DataDefinition.FormulaFields("User").Text = "" + Request.QueryString("by").Replace("", "`") + ""
Try The following try catch statement is responsible for generating the report in a .pdf format.
Dim crLogonInfo As CrystalDecisions.Shared.TableLogOnInfo
crLogonInfo = oRpt.Database.Tables(0).LogOnInfo
crLogonInfo.ConnectionInfo.ServerName = "localhost"
crLogonInfo.ConnectionInfo.UserID = dsGlobal.readReg("Software", "SureTxt", "User")
crLogonInfo.ConnectionInfo.Password = dsGlobal.readReg("Software", "SureTxt", "Pass")
Dim myExportOptions As CrystalDecisions.Shared.ExportOptions
Dim myDiskFilesDestinationOptions As CrystalDecisions.Shared.DiskFileDestinationOptions
Dim myExportFile As String
myExportFile = "C:\temp\PDF " & Session.SessionID.ToString & ".pdf"
myDiskFilesDestinationOptions = New CrystalDecisions.Shared.DiskFileDestinationOptions
myDiskFilesDestinationOptions.DiskFileName = myExportFile
myExportOptions = oRpt.ExportOptions
With myExportOptions
.DestinationOptions = myDiskFilesDestinationOptions
.ExportDestinationType = .ExportDestinationType.DiskFile
.ExportFormatType = .ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat
End With
Response.ContentType = "application/pdf"
End Try
End Sub
The problem that I am experiencing is that once I deploy my web application upto the web server, the crystal reports cant be displayed. The same problem exists if I try and view the crystal reports on my machine through the web browser of another machine.
Any suggestions on what the problem could be?