Book to Learn DirectX with VB.NET


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2003
Hey everybody,

Im looking for a book to learn DirectX game programming with VB.NET, and I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions. I dont want a book that only teaches how to use DirectX, but one that also introduces the concepts of game programming. Ive already made a couple of games with GDI+ (Bug Zappers and Little Robot Guy, downloadable on my web site ), but I pretty much made up my own method for the game engine. I want to learn how to do it correctly.

The only book that Ive found so far that meets the criteria is ".NET Game Programming with DirectX 9.0," but there are a lot bad reviews on it. Some people say its really good for beginners, but most people say that there are way too many errors in it. Ill probably just get that one if no one knows of a better one. Id appreciate it if you could help me out. Thanks!
Yes, I bought ".Net Game Programming with DirectX 9.0, VB.Net Edition." Steer away from it. It is a purchase that I regret.
I just looked up "Managed DirectX Kickstart" on Amazon, and it looks like it might not be the kind of thing that Im looking for. It says that the code on CD is in VB, but the code in the book is only in C#. I think that might be a hindrance to my learning, since I dont know C#. Also according to the reviews, the book might not be exactly aimed toward beginning game programmers. And I forgot to mention this, but I dont really want to get into 3D programming too much. I think Id rather stick with 2D.

So if you still think this might be a good book for me, let me know. If anyone else has any opinions, too, Id be happy to hear them. Or if anyone knows of any more books out there, please let me know. Thanks again.

Also, should I definitely not buy ".NET Game Programming with DirectX 9.0," even as a last resort? I mean, if there are no other books that fit my criteria, I just might have to consider buying it. I saw that ThePentiumGuy recommended it on his web site, so I guess some people think its worthwhile.
Managed DirectX Kickstart is a decent one... Im cross language and prefer C# anyway so that worked good, but if you use the VB examples you should get through the book just fine, youll probably pick up some C# syntax along the way which isnt a bad thing...the more language you know...the more places you can work (and the higher salary you can demand).
Hmm, yes, I see... Maybe Ill end up getting that one, then. Any more opinions? Sorry, I guess Im just frugal or something. :-) I want to be extra sure that I dont waste money on a book that wont help me.

Edit: Hey, cool, Im a Centurion now! :-)