using UsedRange


New member
Jun 22, 2005
Hello and greetings.
I hope this will be a simple question for most but is causing me grief.

I am trying to find out the number of rows in an Excel spreadsheet.
I am using The code compiles beautifully but everytime I run the program it returns the row number to be 1. I know there are more than 1 rows on this spreadsheet. What am I doing wrong.

Here is part of my code

msgbox (ws.UsedRange.Rows.Count) just so I see how many rows are returned

For i = 1 to ws.UsedRange.Rows.Count
then I loop through the rows to get a specific column
next i


find out the number of rows in an Excel spreadsheet
The number of rows in an Excel spreadsheet is always 65,536... I assume you are actually trying to get the number of used rows?

UsedRange might return a single row if you enter data only in, say, cell A5 and dont touch A1:A4 (no formatting, no data). Rows 1 to 4 would then not count as used.

Have you checked ws.UsedRange.Address - does that offer any clues?
Have you checked that ws is the right worksheet?

For any more specific help, I think youll have to post a sample workbook thats causing trouble, and more of the code that youre using.