I have this log on my txt file:
line 1) M7994959481766084OP-M-SAC53320050405182339Last Bag >> Break 20
line 2) 05
line 3) M7994959481788092FL-M-SAC20320050405182119Active Flight Schedule
line 4)
line 5) W7994959481788093BA-W-OCC00220050405182119SortingID >> 0304200
line 6) 5 Chute/LineNo= FS2-G
How do i combine line 1 & 2, line 3 & 4, line 5 & 6. The other things is I try using this regex
regex r = new Regex (19|20)[90][0-9](0[1-9]|1[0-2])(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]) and try to seperate between ;
example: Column 1
Column 2
200504051823 ----- date format yyyymmddhhmm
Column 3
Last Bag >> Break 20
into each column using dataset but i still got this
Column 1
Column 2
200504051823Last Bag >>Break 20
which is i cant seperate the date format at column 2. Please help me.
line 1) M7994959481766084OP-M-SAC53320050405182339Last Bag >> Break 20
line 2) 05
line 3) M7994959481788092FL-M-SAC20320050405182119Active Flight Schedule
line 4)
line 5) W7994959481788093BA-W-OCC00220050405182119SortingID >> 0304200
line 6) 5 Chute/LineNo= FS2-G
How do i combine line 1 & 2, line 3 & 4, line 5 & 6. The other things is I try using this regex
regex r = new Regex (19|20)[90][0-9](0[1-9]|1[0-2])(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]) and try to seperate between ;
example: Column 1
Column 2
200504051823 ----- date format yyyymmddhhmm
Column 3
Last Bag >> Break 20
into each column using dataset but i still got this
Column 1
Column 2
200504051823Last Bag >>Break 20
which is i cant seperate the date format at column 2. Please help me.

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