Need Dictionary Algorithim


Active member
Jun 22, 2005
I am looking for an algorithim to form a dictionary from a specified character set and with a specified length limit
For example
The character set a , bwith length two will have the following dictionary

I want the algorithim to take any character set and max length of a word and form a dictionary from this set
Any ideas?

I want to use this algo to generate word lists for brute forcing programs
Just use some recursive functions or loops. Its very simple stuff.

But why would you want to generate word lists? Why not just iteriate through the alphabet. It seems like youre wasting a step building a list first.
Its not simple at all
Suppose i want to form a ditionary of (50) characters and of length up to 9
I will need 50 nested loops.

Secondly,I want to take from the user characters of the dictionary,which means i cannot use looping.
If I want to use recursion this would be very slow and memory demanding program
I dont know if the word dictionary is the rigth word to describe it.
What i mean by dictionary is all the possible combinations of characters entered by the user.

Got the idea?
Khaledinho said:
Its not simple at all
Suppose i want to form a ditionary of (50) characters and of length up to 9
I will need 50 nested loops.

Secondly,I want to take from the user characters of the dictionary,which means i cannot use looping.
If I want to use recursion this would be very slow and memory demanding program
I dont know if the word dictionary is the rigth word to describe it.
What i mean by dictionary is all the possible combinations of characters entered by the user.

Got the idea?

I think what you are looking for are permutations,
here is a link that you might find interesting.