Welcome Back Joe Mamma

neodammer said:
Joe mama is always there to give a helping hand..or a sarcastic one :D hehe j/k your code responses rock !
They didnt get me at the xtremevbtalk forum. . .

Be careful about the advice you get there. There is alot of bad info/practice bandied about over there.

Their suggested usage of the various vb grids is totally wrong! But then again, vb.sux is so counterintuitive, one can hardly blame them, I guess.

oh yeah. . .

While I agree that vb.net isnt the ideal language for my serious programs its what i use for quickies. .... ROFL

anyway yeah I got away from the vb6 forums quickly hehe.
anyway yeah I got away from the vb6 forums quickly hehe.
I accidentially posted there once with a generic VB question and the only responses I got were angry "Is this a .Net question? BRRRAHHAHHAAAAA!!!!" The funny thing was that my question turned out to be generic VB and everybody was going crazy with mega hatred toward anything to do with VB.Net. But I guess they get that a lot...accidental posts, I mean.
Joe Mamma said:
Be careful about the advice you get there. There is alot of bad info/practice bandied about over there.

FYI, Xtreme .NET Talk is actually an offshoot of Xtreme VB Talk, and there are a lot of contributors that frequent both forums. Im just saying this so some people arent offended.
Bucky said:
FYI, Xtreme .NET Talk is actually an offshoot of Xtreme VB Talk, and there are a lot of contributors that frequent both forums. Im just saying this so some people arent offended.
I know that. At the same time 90% of the experts on that forum are idiots and I could give a rats ***** if they are offended because they are pea brains and dont know what they are talking about. The idiot who wrote most of the ridiculous pinned guide to using the flex grid told me that something I wanted to do was impossible in vbsux, and, even if I could, unadvised. He was wrong on both accounts.

Databinding in .Net is going to completely confound them because they have been doing everything backwards. To put it simply, manually loading a Vbsux flex/hflex/data grid manually is 100% wrong and not the intended use!
...90% of the experts on that forum are idiots...they are pea brains and dont know what they are talking about

Ah, JoeMamma IS back. :)

Everyone likes good advice, Joe. But, please keep the flamatory remarks to a minimum. Flaming the Experts from another forum isnt productive for anyone. If your goal is to point out that the Experts are wrong on certain accounts (or just plain wrong ALL the time), then let them know. If you have time to mention it over here then you have time to mention it over there where all could benefit.

Pointing out specific problems, such as their tips on using a FlexGrid.

Calling VB.NET "vb.sux". VB.NET is a great language with great tools, just like C# or any other high level language. No point in bashing a language just so you can get banned again.

Unless the last post was removed what I saw as his last post looked pretty harmless.