The best US$700 I ever spent. . .

Joe Mamma

Well-known member
Mar 1, 2004
Washington DC
Well. . .

I bought Infragistics NetAdvantage 2005 v2 with subscription and I must say it is quite a package. It comes with COM controls (for native development in Delphi, VB.Sux among others), ASP.NET controls and Windows forms controls. The subscription also comes with complete source code (worth the price of admission, itself!)

I highly recommend the product.
Anyone else using Infragistics?
The only control suite I use is the Janus Systems Windows Forms control suite... its the best Ive found, and Ive tried NetAdvantage and all the others I could find. They are only for Windows Forms but thats fine with me because thats all I develop in.

Their GridEX control is just amazing, along with Command Manager, and Panel Manager, and Schedule, and all the others... they are all awesome. Everything works realy well... they have great support... If I cant figure out how to do something, I just send them an email, and sometimes Ill get an email back in an hour or so (a day at worst) with code showing how to do it, and an explination... and they listen to your suggestions, and are just awesome...

EDIT: And they are only US$600 ;)
Im a ComponentOne user in general (ever since that free deal with microsoft a while back).

The company I work for uses Progress currently, but is starting to migrate to VB.Net and it looks like theyre interested in ComponentOne and Infragistics, so Ill see how it is.

Some of these controls they have are pretty damned amazing - especially considering .Net turned their backs on business developers by getting rid of the flexgrid, its amazing how advanced these flexgrid controls are :D
Joe Mamma said:
Well. . .

I bought Infragistics NetAdvantage 2005 v2 with subscription and I must say it is quite a package. It comes with COM controls (for native development in Delphi, VB.Sux among others), ASP.NET controls and Windows forms controls. The subscription also comes with complete source code (worth the price of admission, itself!)

I highly recommend the product.
Anyone else using Infragistics?

vb.sux rofl :p I am tempted to try it as I want to learn Delphi and ASP.Net. Complete source code is nice I seem to learn more from source code study than tutorials anyway.