Team Project Tools


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2004
Hey, I am starting a project with 5 other developers from all over the world, and we need a good way to communicate and keep everything organized... so I was just wondering if yall have any suggestions on good stuff for that...

The last project I worked on with a few people, we had some forum software thing setup, and it was really good, had a bug tracker and stuff... but I cant remember what it was called, and i cant get ahold of the guy who had it...
A good way would be via the web. If its an open source project you might want to consider seting up a sourceforge project, I think you get some free or cheap hosting through them. Wikis work well for some groups, and you should always use CVS or something like it for version control. I would nose around the sourceforge site and see what kinds of setups various projects there have for some really good ideas.