Web Browsers


Well-known member
Aug 3, 2003
Kent, Uk.
What are peoples thoughts on web browsers here? I mean actual thoughts, not just i hate microsoft so i use firefox.

Ok me personally, I like to use IE, however i also like to use a tabbed interface.

I used Opera for a long time solely because it has tabs. I liked this as i can have 5/6 tabs open at a time. When i closed Opera it remembered the tabs and then reloaded them when i started Opera again. It also allowed me to rearrange the tabs into any order i like. I stopped using Opera as on occasion it hung for 2 mins or so, which was really annoying.

I now primarily use firefox, i get annoyed as it doesnt remember the open tabs when you close it and that you cant rearrange the tabs. It doesnt appear to deal with memory correctly. However its thing to remember passwords seems to work really well and i like that - although its not very secure.

I prefer IE to either of the above though and i would solely use that IF it had tab options. I am really surprised it doesnt to be honest!
I use firefox, because its IMO the best option otu there, but I must say, theres no good browser out there, every browser have big security problems, and all browser have problems... FireFox download manager is really bad...

But if youre really willing, you can re-write what you dont like about fireFox, wich you cant do with IE...

And I havent checked al the extension yet, but this is also a + for FF

A good browser need at least to be standards compliant, and thats why ill never use IE again other than to make Windows update
I use Microsoft Internet Explorer and have since those robber barons at Netscape started charging me for their browser after putting the maker of my mosaic browser out of business.

I have my gripes about Internet Explorer, but I think it is the best browser available. It is as secure or as insecure as you want it to be. It supports the preferred single-document interface or tabbed-browsing through free extensions and it is endlessly extensible.

I tried Firefox and recommend it to friends and clients looking for viable alternatives to IE. However, I personally was unimpressed as it uses the same old SLOW engine for loading images that Netscape used. I also had no desire to get used to a new interface.

I have heard great things about Opera, but I will never pay extra for a web browser.
You can create programs that integrate IE into them and have the tab ability. Ill try to see if i cant find one i created awhile back. Its not the best in the world but gives you a easy tab abililty.
Maxthon is a free advanced IE browser with tabs. And you can change the rendering engine to the Firefox one. And it has every feature that firefox has and more.
I switched to firefox because of the tabbed browsing. I almost always have at least 4 tabs open, and I like to open most links in a new tab. When I used IE, I had to have multiple instances of it open, and it took up most of my task bar. I am excited to see what IE v7 will bring, I hear it is going to have tabbed browsing.