On Sep 26, 7:53 pm, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@schestowitz.com>
> The $0 Laptop lives ... barely
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | spent all of $2 to get a 1/4-inch, 2.1mm DC power plug. After removing about
> | 20 screws, I still couldn't get the case all the way apart, so I propped it
> | open, soldered wires to what was left of the original power plug (two twisted
> | metal pieces and one trace atop the PC board), pulled out a "knock-out" panel
> | over a convenient 1/4-inch hole in the case, wired up the plug and screwed
> | the whole damn thing together. I had a hard drive ready. (Months ago, I
> | pulled the original and gave it back to its owner.)
> |
> | So now I have experience with the Gateway and the older $15 Laptop, a Compaq
> | Armada 7770DMT.
> `----
> http://www.insidesocal.com/click/2007/09/the_0_laptop_lives_barely.html
> Related:
> 16,000 Linux computers delivered - for free
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | With his non-profit organization called Alameda County Computer Resource
> | Center, he built up a volunteer organization, collects donated stuff from the
> | companies who provide them, strips any proprietary OS and software off the
> | drives, re-installs everything with Linux and free applications, and then
> | gives them to schools or other not-for-profit organizations or individuals
> | without too much cash.
> |
> | A great man with a great mission. CNN called him a hero already.
> `----
> http://lxer.com/module/newswire/view/89792/index.html
> WEEE directive threatens Microsoft OEM sales
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | There's a possibility Microsoft may well dump the OEM scheme and that
> | could prompt small firms that don't want to be WEEEing to install Linux
> | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> | or even pirate OSes.
> `----
> http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=40305
Let's see.
The OLPC is failing miserably.
Linux has had 10 or more years to beat Microsoft on the desktop and
still it languishes at around 2 percent.
Walmart's Linux PC has been a miserable failure and now there is only
one model left on the website, down from several.
So now you Linux kooks have got another scheme up your sleeve?
Face it, I'd bet you could stand on the corner of Hollywood and Vine
and you couldn't give these things away.
Linux has failed.
On Sep 26, 7:53 pm, Roy Schestowitz <newsgro...@schestowitz.com>
> The $0 Laptop lives ... barely
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | spent all of $2 to get a 1/4-inch, 2.1mm DC power plug. After removing about
> | 20 screws, I still couldn't get the case all the way apart, so I propped it
> | open, soldered wires to what was left of the original power plug (two twisted
> | metal pieces and one trace atop the PC board), pulled out a "knock-out" panel
> | over a convenient 1/4-inch hole in the case, wired up the plug and screwed
> | the whole damn thing together. I had a hard drive ready. (Months ago, I
> | pulled the original and gave it back to its owner.)
> |
> | So now I have experience with the Gateway and the older $15 Laptop, a Compaq
> | Armada 7770DMT.
> `----
> http://www.insidesocal.com/click/2007/09/the_0_laptop_lives_barely.html
> Related:
> 16,000 Linux computers delivered - for free
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | With his non-profit organization called Alameda County Computer Resource
> | Center, he built up a volunteer organization, collects donated stuff from the
> | companies who provide them, strips any proprietary OS and software off the
> | drives, re-installs everything with Linux and free applications, and then
> | gives them to schools or other not-for-profit organizations or individuals
> | without too much cash.
> |
> | A great man with a great mission. CNN called him a hero already.
> `----
> http://lxer.com/module/newswire/view/89792/index.html
> WEEE directive threatens Microsoft OEM sales
> ,----[ Quote ]
> | There's a possibility Microsoft may well dump the OEM scheme and that
> | could prompt small firms that don't want to be WEEEing to install Linux
> | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> | or even pirate OSes.
> `----
> http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=40305
Let's see.
The OLPC is failing miserably.
Linux has had 10 or more years to beat Microsoft on the desktop and
still it languishes at around 2 percent.
Walmart's Linux PC has been a miserable failure and now there is only
one model left on the website, down from several.
So now you Linux kooks have got another scheme up your sleeve?
Face it, I'd bet you could stand on the corner of Hollywood and Vine
and you couldn't give these things away.
Linux has failed.