add node to xml file without XML document


Active member
Jul 22, 2005

Is it possible to add a node to an XML file without having to get the entire contents of the xml file in to a string or XMLdocument in your code and then write everything back to the XML file?

i ask this question because(read carefully :-p) when there are more then 1 users at the same time. then one user would get the contents of the XML file and put it in to his XMLdocument object in code.... and then the second user would to the same.... BUT the first user will edit the XML document and write back to the XML file. NOW the second user will do the same thing BUT the added node of the first user will no longer exist because the second user got the contents of the xml file before the first user wrote his changes to the xml file.

can anyone help me solve this problem?

(is there even a way to solve this problem?)


The framework doesnt really expect XML files to be used concurrently by multiple people so I doubt there is an easy solution to this problem. Is there a reason why you require multiple people to edit the same document simultaneously?

thx for the answer. i wanted to use AJAX for communication between users. with this I mean without page reload. but i see that i dont actually need xml.