Ever wonder. . .

Joe Mamma

Well-known member
Mar 1, 2004
Washington DC
So my OEM Norton A/V 2004 subscription just expired and they want US$35 to renew.

As I contemplate giving them my money, it occurred to me - If I owned an Anti-Virus software company, how would utilize my developer workforce?

1% developing antivirus software -
99% developing virii ?????

At any rate, it really pisses me off having to spend money on anti-virus software. Is there a consensus on the best for the price???
I hear you man. They will argue it takes clever coding and super research by hundreds to patch and watch out for virii.. SOmething ill never believe. While I believe and know it takes coders and a good research team. Hundreds if not thousands doing the research and coding?? Are we in that bad of need for jobs? I guess so :rolleyes:

If you know the binary patterns of virii you can stop them and remove them with your own program. So what there are 1000s of virii..100 people doing research and coding shoud be plenty :P 9/10 virii are really crumy and takes a virtual moron to open up the package. lol
Virii? You mean viruses, right?

Only words ending in -ius pluralize to -ii and -us only pluralizes to -i for masculine nouns, virus is neuter. The word virus was never seen in the plural form in ancient latin (it carried the general sense of poisionous).
I use Avast Home Edition, which is free for personal use. It includes scanners for real-time file system, P2P applications, email applications, instant messaging applicaitons and others. I turn all that crap off, except for the real-time file-system scanning.

Im not a virus prone user, but I have been very happy with Avast so far. I especially like the price.
Ive known people that use anti virus software, and those who dont. Ive seen more problems with the people that use the software. I think youre right, the anit-virus companies are most likely making some of the viruses, because they stand the most to gain.
You can also scan your PC for free with TrendMicros software:

Before you say "Wow. . . Free means $50 bux a year." wait! The software to monitor costs money, but to scan is free.

I bought McAfee from Costco for around $20 for one year. That was worth it to me. I turn most of it off and scan manually for the most part. If I ever download something to install/run then I turn it all on to get a little more protection.

Im aware that virii is wrong :p rofl I did it to sorta quote Joe lol

anyway you can almost tell for the m ost part if you have a virus running through a few checks. But I use mcafee and like Nar does i do the same i just turn off the check until i feel i need to manualy scan. I dont know about you but sometimes Mcafee when left on Automatic hogs up alot of cycles.
That reminds me.. kinda off topic but I have a 250gb 7200rpm hd that I have about 50% full... now its defragged etc.. and still makes noise in search but when its 1-30%ish full it doesnt make a sound. I wonder why? Defraggin should put files where the head doesnt have to go back in forth so much right? hmm