

Oct 4, 2005
how do you flush the data from an asyncronous tcp socket? apparently the tcp socket likes to decide when it wants to send the data based on the packet size.
Theres no such thing as an asynchronous tcp socket.
The data over the socket is being sent asynchronously using tcp, but it is still a regular socket. You could send datagram packets on the socket at the same time.

Anyway, once data is sent, you cant do anything but read it and throw it out if you dont want it.

If your not performing handshaking, it would help.
How would hand shaking help? And how would i do that? i just need to know how to flush a socket. I cant believe that they are designed the way they are. Why would the socket just let data sit in its buffer forever until a desirable amount of data is sent. There should be some way around this.